Informacje o produkcie

No Memory

No Memory
Label: Hotflush
Nr kat.: HFT055
Format: 12"
Produkt niedostępny
Wysyłka w dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
44.90 / 1szt.
Out Of Stock
  • a1 Face Pads (intro).mp3
  • a2 Cold Sleep.mp3
  • a3 Crying.mp3
  • b1 Strainer.mp3
  • b2 RHU (edit).mp3
  • b3 Code Library.mp3


The fourth Hotflush release of 2017 comes from Minneapolis-based DJ and producer, TML. He made his debut in 2014 with One Inch of Water, an album in cassette form via Always Human Tapes. His style takes cues from the bass and jungle halcyon days of yore, yet in his hands these influences are pestled into anything but nostalgia. No Memory looks forward to a place where pigeonholes don’t exist; where past, present and future boil an amalgamated stew; where ‘experimental’ and ‘clubby’ aren’t effective antonyms. It’s an album in miniature - six tracks spanning a broad range. The unmistakable taste of jungle pervades side A, becoming increasingly less abstract as it goes: from the fractured opening of ‘Face Pads’, through the dub of ‘Cold Sleep’, to the sunrise head bang that is ‘Crying’. Side two moves inside. It’s darker there. The tunes - ’Strainer’, ‘RHU’ and ‘Code Library’ - share a paredbackness. Their beats look askance as they shuffle big and bold.



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