Informacje o produkcie

Over EP (180g)

Over EP (180g)
Label: Liniar
Nr kat.: LNR005
Format: 12"
Produkt niedostępny
Wysyłka w dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
56.90 / 1szt.
Out Of Stock
  • a1 Over.mp3
  • b1 A Gain.mp3
  • b2 I.mp3


Arapu is very much one of the key Romanian artists of the moment. Of course, like his revered countrymen, that means techno that is elegant, minimal, and delicately detailed. His own take on the style is often littered with curious little motifs and trippy loops that also characterise this new one on heavyweight vinyl for Liniar. "Over" is a brilliant opener with languid Balearic guitar riffs echoing over supple drum work which will hook you in and encourage your mind to wander, whereas "A Gain" is a more direct, driving minimal techno cut with warped synths peeling off an urgent groove. "I" closes out with a funky undercarriage and dub house overtones that will get any basement popping off.



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Jeżeli powyższy opis jest dla Ciebie niewystarczający, prześlij nam swoje pytanie odnośnie tego produktu. Postaramy się odpowiedzieć tak szybko jak tylko będzie to możliwe.

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