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Dissidents Never Die

  • Alias Le Syndicate Electronique, znanego choćby z „The Best of" wydanym na Mannequin. Wolne, surowe analogowe electro z kwaśnymi momentami i wokalami. Nagrania żywiołowe, a zarazem skuteczne!

Dissidents Never Die
Label: Libertine
Nr kat.: LIBX01
Format: 2LP
Produkt na zamówienie
Wysyłka w 17 dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
129.90 / 1szt.
In stock
  • 01 Reflected Mind.mp3
  • 02 Dialog With My Process.mp3
  • 03 Find Me Fine.mp3
  • 04 He Roots.mp3
  • 05 Forever!.mp3
  • 06 The Call.mp3
  • 07 Down.mp3
  • 08 Migration.mp3
  • 09 Silver Night.mp3
  • 10 Strange Birds.mp3
  • 11 Golden Dawn.mp3
  • 12 Purple Wedding.mp3
  • 13 Du Raisin Des Espines.mp3
  • 14 Onslaught.mp3


Alias Le Syndicate Electronique, znanego choćby z "The Best of" wydanym na Mannequin. Wolne, surowe analogowe electro z kwaśnymi momentami i wokalami. Nagrania żywiołowe, a zarazem skuteczne!


Alexandre Gande AKA Le Syndicate Electronique presents his new project on the new Libertine X label series from Libertine Records. Billed as a journey into more exploratory, or 'wavey' sounds for a guy many herald as one of France's coldwave/electro crossover pioneers, that shouldn't be taken to mean things lack solid grounding here. As per 'Find Me Fine', its unashamedly rave-y stabs, acid line and druggy, looped mantra, this is still about setting it off.

From the mind-melting 4AM hooks of eerie and bass heavy 'The Roots', to the low-end organ growls of the epic grower 'Strange Birds' and the full-force of 'Onslaught's techno hoovers, this isn't just a lesson in how to produce super-weapons for leftfield dancefloors. It's a lesson in how to make sure the finish on those weapons so bright everyone in earshot is left grinning from ear to ear.



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