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Japanese Telecom EP

  • Halo, halo! Kto nie zna nagrania nr 2 - "Japanese Animation" - ręka do góry! Nie sposób chyba nie trafić na tę kompozycję penetrując zjawisko o nazwie Electro, szczególnie wg klucza: UR/Drexciya/Detroit

Japanese Telecom EP
Nr kat.: CAL016
Format: 12"
Produkt niedostępny
Wysyłka w dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
69.90 / 1szt.
Out Of Stock
  • a1 Rising Sun.mp3
  • a2 Japanese Animation.mp3
  • a3 Asian Amazons.mp3
  • a4 Character Maps.mp3
  • a5 Game Player.mp3
  • b1 Nipponese Robots.mp3
  • b2 Kubi.mp3
  • b3 Bullet Train.mp3


Japanese Telecom first outing recorded at the end of the 90's and officially released in 1999. A sonic exploration of the culture and technologies that influence daily life in one of the most advanced countries on this globe, the land of the rising sun. As a recurring theme in Heinrich Muellers work, the Japanese Telecom EP takes inspiration from the exciting culture of the upcoming internet, robots, high speed trains and game culture from a future past and combines this with Detroit's hi-tech machine funk. Remastered and re-issued for the first time since its original release.



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