Informacje o produkcie

Nadi EP

Nadi EP
Label: Token
Nr kat.: TOKEN107
Format: 12"
Produkt niedostępny
Wysyłka w dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
59.90 / 1szt.
Out Of Stock
  • a1 Aura.mp3
  • a2 Warrior One.mp3
  • b1 Nadi.mp3
  • b2 Centaurus.mp3


Following the release of his track 'Celestial' on Fuga III, Ignez is back on Token for his own 4 track EP 'Nadi' to confirm that his work cannot be overlooked. Dissonant and seductive synth work offer the only release from a uniquely unforgiving use of percussion throughout the project - a masterclass in effect.

Kicking off the record with a track built on atmospheric shifts certainly sets the tone and it's called 'Aura'. Carefully sequenced and erratic synth lines are thinly sliced by high energy top percussion to make an anxious opening. Moving on to the A2, Ignez strips things down to the essentials and takes out the ear candy. Being the most rhythmically-centered piece of the project, 'Warrior One' fills space through the body of its few elements to accept tension from a simple yet hypnotic vocal synth. The linear quality of this piece then dives into the persistently moody title track 'Nadi'. A more cinematic addition to the EP, 'Nadi' brews tension through most of its elements over the duration of the track to be released into a deep club groove with expert attention to detail. The attitude of this track makes for a twisted way to drop into the final piece of the EP, 'Centaurus'. Built on a strong base of a more classically crafted rhythm, the unpredictability of this B2 lies in the melodic interactions between the bass synth and suspenseful strings that stalk the listener for a cliffhanger of a closer.



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