Informacje o produkcie

From A Failing Light (180g) Marbled Vinyl

From A Failing Light (180g) Marbled Vinyl
Label: De:tuned
Nr kat.: ASG/DE036LTD
Format: 12"
Produkt niedostępny
Wysyłka w dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
86.90 / 1szt.
Out Of Stock
  • a1 Of All The Worlds.mp3
  • a2 The Embrace (Nuron remix).mp3
  • b1 The Embrace.mp3


UK techno pioneer Steve Pickton (Stasis) comes to De:tuned! Records after having trawled his old DAT tapes and salvaged three odd tunes from the attic-bound pile. 'Of All The Worlds' and 'The Embrace' are playful analog jams in mono, emblematic of the kind of early rediscoveries that a time-honoured producers such as Stasis might make. A new remix by Nuron, in stereo, of 'The Embrace' nicely breaks up this retroization of Stasis' catalogue.



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