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Soul Cut #3

Soul Cut #3
Label: Soul Cut
Nr kat.: SC003
Format: 12"
Produkt na zamówienie
Wysyłka w 16 dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
89.90 / 1szt.
In stock
  • a1 Goin' On.mp3
  • b1 Don't Look.mp3


It has been a bit of a while since we heard from edit king and seductive groove maker Late Nite Tuff Guy. Thankfully now he is back after his hiatus with more of his brilliance in the form of a third entry into his Soul Cut series. He brings his magic fingers to a pair of dazzlers here, with a hearrt-wrenching version of a latter yaers Motown anthem, with a modern update that leaves the original vocals in place but adds a little more drum weight. On the flip, 'Don't Look' is a much more smoochy and seductive late-night sound for cosy dances.



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