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Club Culture Foundation Presents Evolution For Good - A Song For Healing

Club Culture Foundation Presents Evolution For Good - A Song For Healing
Nr kat.: SRM10008
Format: CD
Produkt niedostępny
Wysyłka w dni
Koszt od 9,90 zł
89.90 / 1szt.
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  • 01 Healer.mp3
  • 02 Progressive Roots.mp3
  • 03 Progressive Roots (Cosmic Arts mix).mp3
  • 04 Heloise.mp3
  • 05 Progressive Roots (club Culture remix).mp3
  • 06 Progressive Roots (instrumental mix).mp3
  • 07 Healer.mp3
  • 08 Progressive Roots (Deep mix).mp3
  • 09 Progressive Roots (Sound & Textures).mp3


There is meaning behind all of my artistic excursions. A personal outcry instigated by a constant need to express my daily life intakes. However, there are times where my rhythm and tone are called upon to align with a profound purpose. This project Progressive Roots Evolution, A song for Healing, was initiated by observing comrades in our immediate music circle, developing and thus dedicating their platform in support of the dancer community and producers.
What you will soon hold in your hands is a music story which demonstrates what manifests when energies dedicated to the art and support of the dancer and sound elevation align.

Enjoy the Journey.




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