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Presets - Digital Shortcuts To Sound

Presets - Digital Shortcuts To Sound
Label: Bookworm
Nr kat.: TBW02
Format: Book
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STEFAN GOLDMANN: PRESETS - DIGITAL SHORTCUTS TO SOUND (Bookworm TBW#02) Author: Stefan Goldmann Title: Presets - Digital Shortcuts To Sound ISBN: 978-1-874104-02-5 Publisher: Bookworm, London, UK Format: 220 pages paperback, 110mm x 171mm Info text: Stefan Goldmann in conversation with Robert Henke a.k.a. Monolake (Ableton), Mike Daliot (Native Instruments), Michael Wagener (producer with credits including Metallica, Ozzy Osbourne and Janet Jackson), Cory Arcangel, members of the Korg M1 development team, Dinis Schemann and others. Presets are pre-programmed, recallable settings of devices such as synthesizers or effects units: factory stock sounds, equivalent to stock photography or preset filters in apps like Instagram. Audio presets provide a library of “typical” and supposedly desirable sounds - thus enabling consumers to bypass individual programming and get results quickly. Every modern electronic instrument or software comes with presets - which people use heavily. For “Presets - Digital Shortcuts to Sound", Stefan Goldmann has talked to industry leaders, programmers, producers, musicians and fine artists to provide a comprehensive description of the world of preset audio: from synthesis to sample libraries, from instrument emulations and gear-cloning to automated composition and performance - short cuts in electronic music, classical and traditional musics, guitar rock & fine arts are covered. Disruptive gear and iconic presets, their background and impact - from Korg’s M1, Yamaha’s DX7 and Roland’s 909 to Ableton Live, Native Instruments’s Reaktor, sidechain compression and Auto-Tune - are discussed with unprecedented depth and clarity. Websites:



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