Informacje o produkcie

Woven Sounds

Woven Sounds
Label: Morphine
Nr kat.: DOSER029
Format: 7"
Produkt na zamówienie
Wysyłka w 23 dni
Koszt od 9,90 zł
39.90 / 1szt.
In stock
  • a1 Tenun.mp3
  • b1 Comb Sisir & Topi Toraja.mp3


A new year sees Rabih Beaini's Morphine usher in the return of Senyawa duo Rully Shabara and Wukir Suryadi, although it's not in the form we are accustomed to seeing them! Rully Shabara and Wukir Suryadi have been actively pushing the boundaries of Javanese music since 2010, it was their arrival on Morphine with the album Menjadi in March last year that exposed Senyawa to a whole new audience. Having toured extensively with Morphine man Rabih Beaini since then, the Indonesian pair go solo for two 7" adventures on the label. Suryadi's Woven Sounds features two tracks, with "Tenun" an exercise in dense, ritualistic polyrhythms augmented by some mind-bending vocal chanting. "Comb Sisir & Topi Toraja" presents a more abstract side to Suryadi.



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