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Label: In My Room
Nr kat.: IMR22
Format: 7"
Produkt niedostępny
Wysyłka w dni
Koszt od 9,90 zł
39.00 / 1szt.
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  • a1 Redefine.mp3
  • b1 Redefine (Tom & His Computer edit).mp3


‘’Redefine’ is the second single taken from Trentemøller’s new album ‘Fixion’ and features Marie Fisker on vocals. Marie Fisker, a mainstay of the Trentemøller live constellation, has also been a long-time studio collaborator of Anders and her four songs on ‘Fixion’ mark their third musical partnership. “Marie has such a powerful and unique voice that fits my music quite naturally. I had her in mind as soon as I started writing. She ended up singing on four of the songs so she’s definitely the voice that kind of leads you through the album. Having toured so extensively with Marie, we’ve come to understand each other’s capacities and that really pushes us to challenge and inspire each other. I reckon that’s the driving force behind our songwriting.



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