Informacje o produkcie
Nr kat.: TTT042
Format: LP
Produkt niedostępny
Wysyłka w dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
99.90 / 1szt.
Out Of Stock
  • 01 Igual A Si.mp3
  • 02 Pelos Olhos De Osiris.mp3
  • 03 Arestas Do Tempo.mp3
  • 04 Sol A Nascer.mp3


There is certainly a devilish streak to The Trilogy Tapes this year, the label's output redolent of its earlier years when Will Bankhead wilfully put out the oddest tapes amidst mixes from Ben UFO and Kassem Mosse. Following some quite superb records from Accident Du Travail and Carl Gari & Abdullah Miniawy, TTT slip back into the international avant-garde for the Vida LP from Portuguese duo Tropa Macaca. Formed of Andre Abel and Joana da Conceicao, Tropa Macaca are a long-running experimental act who fans of the Software label may remember for the Ectoplasma single a few years ago. Freeform electronic experimentation is the order of the day on Vida, as Abel and da Conceicao burrow deep into the world of texture, tone, timbre and, occasionally, rhythm.



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