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Late Night Studio Moves EP

Late Night Studio Moves EP
Label: Heist
Nr kat.: HEIST032
Format: 12"
Produkt niedostępny
Wysyłka w dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
49.90 / 1szt.
Out Of Stock
  • a1 Late Night Studio Moves.mp3
  • a2 You Treat Me Like A Fool.mp3
  • b1 Jazz Kids.mp3
  • b2 Late Night Studio Moves (The Mole MMD mix).mp3


Over the years, Pitto has done a fine job in balancing his love of uneasy, left-of-centre techno-pop with delivering floor-friendly 12" singles that draw greater influence from late night European clubbing. Late Night Studio Moves, which marks his return after a two-year absence, is as melodic and ear pleasing as you'd expect, but also closer to deep house than many of his previous EPs. Highlights abound, from the exotic, Afro-fired, percussion-and-chant-rich piano house brilliance of opener "Late Night Studio Moves", to the hazy deepness of "You Treat Me Like a Fool" and the '89 Chicago warehouse pump of "Jazz Kids". There's a tasty bonus, too, in the shape of the Mole's woozy, dreamy and effortlessly tactile dream house revision of "Late Night Studio Moves".


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