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Bombay Springrolls EP

Bombay Springrolls EP
Label: Ballyhoo
Nr kat.: BALL107
Format: 12"
Produkt niedostępny
Wysyłka w dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
46.90 / 1szt.
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  • a1 Jim Lok - Still Fukkin' With It (Thee J Johanz Intergalactic Rabbits remix).mp3
  • b1 Thee J Johanz & The Bombay Municipal Corporation - Bombay Spring Rolls.mp3
  • b2 Jim Lok - Still Fukkin' With It.mp3


Bombay Springrolls contains three tracks which all have their own strengths. The A side is a wide 45 rpm print of Thee J Johanz's uplifting and pretty cosmic 'Intergalactic Rabbits remix' of the original 'Still Fukkin' With It' on side B, a catchy slomo disco track by Jim Lok. Here you also find Thee J Johanz's Bombay Springrolls, which just happened on an afterparty in a studio in Bombay (energized by the best spring rolls around). With pre-production on the spot by Bombay's underground house and techno producers Abhi Meer (modular synth), Spacejams (Tr707) and Chhabb (bassmachine). A digestive and spicy disc with a variety of flavors. Masala!


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