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SJ Teknobuskers

  • Duet Japończyków z berlińskiego podziemia. Analogowe jamy z live-actowym feelingiem. 606, 303, dub echo i skwierczące „kwaśne” brzmienie. W duchu starych płyt na Sex Tags

SJ Teknobuskers
Nr kat.: WRECKS029
Format: 12"
Produkt niedostępny
Wysyłka w dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
59.90 / 1szt.
Out Of Stock
  • a1 Club Matrixx.mp3
  • a2 Club No Limit.mp3
  • b1 Where Was Disco Madonna.mp3
  • b2 I Know Club Anal Impakt.mp3

Duet Japończyków z berlińskiego podziemia. Analogowe jamy z live-actowym feelingiem. 606, 303, dub echo i skwierczące „kwaśne” brzmienie. W duchu starych płyt na Sex Tags.

Smooth acid injected edgy house cuts on this new Klasse Wrecks! For the last 3 years SJ Tequilla (Naota Matsuda) and Aaty Matoba have been a regular but hidden fixture in Berlin's underground music scene. You may have caught them at their regular spot in a dark tunnel next to the sprawling Ostkreuz station in Kreuzberg, lucky to sneak a quick listen before the cops came in and shut things down yet again. Armed only with an electrical generator, a 606, 303 and various dub echo delay units the pair have slowly been refining their Teknobusker project into quite a special thing. Proving that creativity blooms best when using a limited set of tools, the SJ Teknobuskers music is gritty and dark but also retains an important sense of humour. WRECKS029 was recorded between the years 2018-2019 and does a deft job in capturing a flavour of the rhythms, tones and squelches that echoed down the tunnels during Berlin's endless summers.



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