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Chapters Of Becoming... (Part Two)

Chapters Of Becoming... (Part Two)
Label: Vega
Nr kat.: VR201
Format: 2x12"
Produkt niedostępny
Wysyłka w dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
109.90 / 1szt.
Out Of Stock
  • 01 Let Me Love You (feat Mike Dunn - Mike Dunn Blackball remix).mp3
  • 02 Amazing Love.mp3
  • 03 Lets Get High (Life, Love, Music) (Manoo Touch).mp3
  • 04 Parole Parole (David Morales unreleased remix).mp3
  • 05 Plastic People.mp3
  • 06 Figli Delle Stelle (Louie Vega EOL mix).mp3
  • 07 One Dream (Big Game mix).mp3
  • 08 Sodade (Kazukuta remix).mp3


Four seriously heavyweight cuts on this one, a various artists classic in the making from Pi Gao Movement. Lost Trax gets down and dingy with 'The Disruptor', a gurgling, menacing mid tempo cut with dystopian feels. Ultradyne's contribution is much more forward facing, with superb drum programming making for a frictionless broken beat groove that is run through with lithe synths. The machines cut loose on manic head wrecker 'Ultradyne' and last of all, 'Deconstructing The Immortals' sounds like the sort of tech Kraftwerk might make if they were now globe trotting DJs.



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