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The Age Of Love (Remixes) white vinyl

  • Repress na białym winylu. Tak, jest tu remiks Solomuna, ale tę płytę kupujemy przez wzgląd na oryginalną wersję. Kto nie bawił się do tego numeru do bardzo późna i kto nie słyszał go w „Human Traffic”, ten mało wie o zabawie

The Age Of Love (Remixes) white vinyl
Nr kat.: REN250001VWHITE
Format: 12"
Produkt niedostępny
Wysyłka w dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
64.90 / 1szt.
Out Of Stock
  • a1 The Age Of Love (Solomun Renaissance remix).mp3
  • b1 The Age Of Love (Jam & Spoon Watch Out For Stella mix).mp3


White Vinyl Repress!

Revered UK label, tastemaker and authority Renaissance, the label that has not only been at the forefront of the electronic DJ scene but documented its navigation into popular culture have honored a landmark 25 years by inviting Hamburg based DJ and super producer Solomun to rework a timeless classic - one of a number of tracks that shaped the labels early years. The timeless classic Jam & Spoon Watch Out For Stella Mix is featured on the B Side.

A constant innovator, Solomun; whom himself has played an equally major role in redefining European house music spoke of the challenge when faced with the prestigious role of reworking one of the most influential tracks in electronic music, for a new generation.

Solomun's enormous and poignant remix has already been a key track for selected DJ's over the last few months including Tale of Us, Dubfire, Maceo Plex, Sasha and Pete Tong whom made it last weeks coveted Essential New Tune.

'Renaissance The ReMix Collection'. Is a concept focused on introducing new ears to seminal tracks that have remained significant and iconic to Renaissance for over two decades. True to form Renaissance highly collectable vinyl products will be beautifully packaged and presented in box set form and available as limited editions.
The series celebrates Renaissance's musical legacy and firmly establishes its future place in the electronic music landscape.



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