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Dualism EP

Dualism EP
Nr kat.: LIVITY046
Format: 12"
Produkt niedostępny
Wysyłka w dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
54.90 / 1szt.
Out Of Stock
  • a1 Dualism.mp3
  • a2 New Day.mp3
  • b1 Ritual.mp3
  • b2 Scorpion (feat Lucky Pereira).mp3


Last year Joe Baker took his Forest Drive West project to legendary Dutch label Delsin for the very first time, in the process offering up one of his deepest and most picturesque to date. There's a similarly hazy and hypnotic feel about his latest EP, Dualism, which sees the East Londoner return to Livity Sound for the first time in the three years. He sets the tone via the EP-opening title track, a typical on-point combination of broken techno drums and drowsy dub techno style textures, before opting for more energetic Afro-tech beats and spacey, almost ambient chords on the equally brilliant 'New Day'. He further explores his love of polyrhythmic techno on feverish and mind-altering flipside opener 'Ritual', before joining forces with Lucky Pereira on cumbia-influenced, sub-heavy workout 'Scorpion'.



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