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Nr kat.: BB45010
Format: 7"
Produkt niedostępny
Wysyłka w dni
Koszt od 9,90 zł
59.90 / 1szt.
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  • a1 (M) (Baby Maker dub).mp3
  • b1 (M) (909 mix).mp3


A little known release on Scott Diaz’s now defunct Connectd records makes its first appearance on vinyl! Anyone that knows Caserta knows his affinity for '90s r&b. For (M) he snags a vocal from one of the most underrated and under appreciated vocalists of that time period. With two mixes featuring the keyboard stylings of the incomparable Yuki 'U-Key' Kanesaka the Dub version gets top billing on the A Side. Smooth keys by the aforementioned Kanesaka with a stripped down arrangement are sure to keep you 2 stepping no matter where your are.

On the B Side Caserta uses the same set up but this time with the classic 909 Drum Machine to keep take things to the next level!



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