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Hot Heat & Sweet Groove

Hot Heat & Sweet Groove
Nr kat.: 8122746761
Format: LP
Produkt niedostępny
Wysyłka w dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
129.90 / 1szt.
Out Of Stock
  • 01 Caesar's Palace.mp3
  • 02 Yellow Submarine.mp3
  • 03 Brown Sugar.mp3
  • 04 Soul Concerto.mp3
  • 05 Fried Okra.mp3
  • 06 Spreadin' Honey.mp3
  • 07 A Little Class & A Little Trash.mp3
  • 08 The 103rd Street Theme.mp3
  • 09 The Girl From Ipanema.mp3
  • 10 Bring It On Home To Me.mp3
  • 11 Whole Hog, Or None At All.mp3
  • 12 Watts Happening.mp3


"Hot Heat and Sweat Groove" is the debut album by the funky band led by the charismatic Charles Wright. The Wright brood moved to Los Angeles when Charles Wright was 12. In Watts, Wright befriended doo woppers and balladeers like Jesse Belvin, the Hollywood Flames, the Youngsters, and others who lived in the area. Propped by stars like Bill Cosby and publicized by two and a half years of sold-out crowds at the Haunted House (a local club), along with an unexpected local hit, the band was able to secure a contract with Warner Bros. Records. Nothing major came from this set that displayed a choppy rhythmic approach similar to Dyke & the Blazers. But this surprisingly hard-to-find album produced by James Carmichael, who went on to great success with the Commodores, features some thick funk: "Fried Okra," "Brown Sugar," and reworkings of "Yellow Submarine," "The Girl From Ipanema," and "Bring It on Home to Me."




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