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Dreamer (Michael Gray Remix)

Dreamer (Michael Gray Remix)
Nr kat.: MS506
Format: 12"
Produkt na zamówienie
Wysyłka w 16 dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
89.90 / 1szt.
In stock
  • a1 Dreamer (Michael Gray remix).mp3
  • b1 Dreamer (Michael Gray dub mix).mp3


Back in 1985 the Kae Williams II penned and produced album “Genie” delivered, such under the guidance of executive producer Jacques Fred Petrus, a brilliant combination of soul and disco-tracks. Boogie natives the BB&Q Band’s – Dreamer perfectly encapsulates the music of the 1980s. Introducing Curtis Hairston as the then new vocalist, it delivered chart-positions for a.o. “Genie”, “Ricochet”, “On The Shelf” and… “Dreamer”!

Arguably, the decade when music was real music.

Michael Gray has donned his long satin shirt and patent brogues to bring the “Dreamer” classic up to date with a fantastic new house remix.

His tight percussive groove, punchy bassline, and pad work take the vocal and track to another level along with uplifting pianos! A classic-sounding gem – ready for the charts again!

We need more dreamers!



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