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Clockwork Atom

Clockwork Atom
Produkt niedostępny
Wysyłka w dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
49.90 / 1szt.
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  • a1 Clockwork Atom.mp3
  • b1 Islands Of Glass.mp3
  • b2 The Descent.mp3


From the peerless Detroit electro of Dopplereffekt to Rob Clouth's glitch techno, Leisure System is fast becoming one of the most diverse labels operating in the electronic music space. It's hard to say if Atom will find favour with those who hang on Gerald Donald's every note, but there is no doubt that Clouth does a fine job of interpreting decidedly Germanic influences. This is especially audible on the title track, a compelling mish-mash of glistening trance melodies and subtle, micro-house rhythms. "Islands of Glass" is a more abstract, stripped back affair, but melodies are never far from a Clouth release and "The Descent" teems with melancholic piano playing before unexpectedly breaking down into a cacophony of warped noise.




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