Informacje o produkcie
Bank /

True Tempo

  • Japanese pop. Big TIP!

True Tempo
Label: EM Records
Nr kat.: EM1144CD
Format: CD
Produkt niedostępny
Wysyłka w dni
Koszt od 9,90 zł
64.90 / 1szt.
Out Of Stock
  • 01 True Tempo.mp3
  • 02 7 Days.mp3
  • 03 Vision.mp3
  • 04 I Don`t Know Why.mp3
  • 05 Faith.mp3
  • 06 Step.mp3


Cool, sophisticated and melodically funky pop from Japan, recorded in 2014/15. Six irresistible new songs from veteran members of 90s Tokyo underground pop bands like Love Tambourines, Arch and Bridge, all influenced by the Tokyo Neo Acoustic scene as well as early "club music" like Acid Jazz, Rare Groove and early Techno and mentored by Kenji Takimi of Crue-L Records. Bank formed in 2006 and have been assiduously honing their sound since then, distilling an elegant brew compounded of 80s dance music, the funkier elements of post-punk and the Factory Records roster, and other groups such as Young Marble Giants, Weekend and Duran Duran. A consummate blend. Vocalist/guitarist/songwriter Dai Nakamura is joined by guitarist Nobuyuki Ohashi, keyboardist Tadashi Kitami, with Fumio Hirami on bass and Bo Suzuki on drums. The contributions of the latter two are a key part of Bank's charm, with Hirami's funky bass laid over Suzuki's YMO-inspired grid-style drums. But make no mistake, these are true songs, not mere rhythmic exercises. Featuring memorable melodies, heavenly harmonies and attractive arrangements, these songs were mixed and mastered by Tomoki Kanda, a renowned member of the Shibuya-kei scene.



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