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My Name Is Nicole Willis

My Name Is Nicole Willis
Label: Persephone
Nr kat.: PERSE002LP
Format: LP
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99.00 / 1szt.
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  • 01 Introducing (feat Ian F Svenonius).mp3
  • 02 Break Free (Shake A Talifeather).mp3
  • 03 Haunted By The Devil.mp3
  • 04 One In A Million.mp3
  • 05 (Everybody) Do The Watusi.mp3
  • 06 No Child Denied.mp3
  • 07 Together We Climb.mp3
  • 08 When We Go Down.mp3
  • 09 Togetherness.mp3
  • 10 Final Call (feat Ian F Svenonius).mp3


Nicole Willis, known for her collaborations with The Soul Investigators & Jimi Tenor produces an album including some of the tracks she composed with the former as well as originals specifically for a fresh collaboration with UMO Jazz Orchestra. Jimi Tenor, who is a multi-faceted artist, has penned all arrangements for the big band and their talented rhythm section. Pete Toikkanen who is a mega-talent guitarist from The Soul Investigators, along with the two, composed those original tracks that highlight their alternative influences. Indie god & personal hero of Ms Willis, Ian Svenonius introduces Ms Willis on the first track and wraps up the LP with a final plea.



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