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Nr kat.: AIS002
Format: 2LP
Produkt niedostępny
Wysyłka w dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
94.90 / 1szt.
Out Of Stock
  • 01 Mitochondria .mp3
  • 03 Elicoide .mp3
  • 06 RNA.mp3
  • 07 Meiosis.mp3


Franco Nanni’s ‘Elicoide’ is a lost gem previously released in 1987 only in few copies. The Italian musician has developed (with the assistance from Paolo Grandi on double bass) a minimalistic and repetitive structure expressed into five long compositions ranging from jazz, avantgarde and of­ course ambient music­, each one with its own precise character.  

It is an album that showcases his idea of ­ “Ascetic Trance” by referring to the music of John Cage, Arvo Pärt and the Mediterranean Organic scene. 

‘Elicoide’ was performed live in a rare exhibition during the summer of 1987 by an ensemble with Franco Nanni himself, Paolo Grandi, Leo Croatto and Marcela Pérez Silva. During the performance, a special version of “Poesia” was presented for the first time, a song written by peruvian composer Daniel “Kiri” Escobar and re-arranged by Franco Nanni.  

The reissue is presented in two discs. The first contains the official repress of ‘Elicoide’, while the second vinyl includes four incredible unreleased extra tracks from the original sessions, and finally the haunting recording of “Poesia”, which close the tracklist (work).



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