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K15 /

Be Glad You Create Anything

Be Glad You Create Anything
Nr kat.: WOTEP030
Format: 12"
Produkt niedostępny
Wysyłka w dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
51.90 / 1szt.
Out Of Stock
  • a1 Be Glad You Create Anything.mp3
  • b1 Communion.mp3
  • b2 You're Alive (There's Still Time).mp3


Under the K15 alias, Kieran Ifill has been responsible for some wonderful deep, expansive and soulful music on Eglo, Wild Oats, Lo Recordings and WotNot Music. Here he returns to the latter for the first time in four years. He hits his stride straight away with "Be Glad You Create Anything", a sparkling, mid-tempo shuffler that wraps darting, Kaidi Tatham style jazz-funk synth motifs around loose and languid beats and a suitably warm and attractive bassline. Ifill's love of fluid piano lines, eyes-closed electronics and dreamy chords once again comes to the fore on 120 BPM deep bumper "Communion", before the producer treats us to the deliciously loved-up, poignant and sumptuous head-nodding bliss that is fine closer "You're Alive (There's Still Time)". In a word: superb.


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