Informacje o produkcie
Label: Tresor
Nr kat.: TRESOR105
Format: 2LP+MP3
Produkt niedostępny
Wysyłka w dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
99.90 / 1szt.
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  • 01 Skyway.mp3
  • 02 Walking On Water.mp3
  • 03 Thought Process.mp3
  • 04 Electric Circus.mp3
  • 05 Postcard From The Future.mp3
  • 06 Body Oil.mp3
  • 07 Coffeeshop (interlude).mp3
  • 08 Coffeeshop Connection.mp3
  • 09 Subterrainea.mp3


Juan Atkins' Infiniti project combines raw tactility and puristic elegance with Skynet, where slinking grooves mask chaotic frequencies and roughly-hewn structure.
Alongside fellow Detroit legend Terrence Dixon who appears on several tracks, Atkins exposes the life and emotion in machines, outputting a biomorphic atmosphere of industrial soul. The ongoing importance of this album is indisputable, essential both to techno and to Tresor.



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