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Munk Presents Teutonik Disaster

Munk Presents Teutonik Disaster
Label: Toy Tonics
Nr kat.: TOYT095
Format: 2LP
Produkt na zamówienie
Wysyłka w 15 dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
99.90 / 1szt.
In stock
  • 01 Die Heteros - Monogamie, Kannibalismus Unserer Zeit.mp3
  • 02 Camilla Motor - Gefahr Im Tivoli.mp3
  • 03 Exkurs - Fakten Sind Terror.mp3
  • 04 Carmen - Schlaraffenland.mp3
  • 05 Explorer - Yellow Power.mp3
  • 06 BBB - Alltag.mp3
  • 07 Roter Mund - Mit Dir Allein.mp3
  • 08 Die Chefs - Frauenkorper.mp3


There have been millions of typical disco edits in the last years. But there is so much more interesting music from the late 1970s and early 80s yet to bubble its way to the surface. One of those lesser explored fields is the crazy funky side of Germany's underground disco and new wave from that period. At the time, many German bands were trying to make their own version of English and American styles. After Kraftwerk and Can had started to use the German language in a cool, new way, many bands that followed in their steps experimented with German new wave. Most of these bands didn't reach a bigger audience. Their records never got pressed to more than 300 - 500 copies as they were a number of years ahead of the huge commercial explosion of German pop in 1984: The NDW aka 'Neue Deutsche Welle", with Nena's humongous hit 99 Red Balloons. The bands featured on the compilation released their music before the NDW hype and later broke up. Plenty of these early bands are best forgotten but if you dig deeper you'll find the gems, bursting with style and attitude. And that's just what Toy Tonics heads Mathias Munk Modica & Kapote did. They hit gold.



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