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Oscillate Tracks 003

Oscillate Tracks 003
Nr kat.: OSCT003
Format: 12"
Produkt niedostępny
Wysyłka w dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
51.90 / 1szt.
Out Of Stock
  • a1 Johanna Knutsson - Hassel.mp3
  • a2 Johanna Knutsson - Lysmossa.mp3
  • b1 Karen Gwyer - The Way You Drive.mp3
  • b2 Karen Gwyer - Caught You.mp3


Oscillate Tracks 003 is the first split EP featuring resident Johanna Knutsson and alumni Karen Gwyer. The two performed together early last year, Karen live with her shimmering textures before Johanna introduced her bleepy tales. Their musical affinity was easily recognisable and our aim was to bring their dynamic connection from one fleeting experience onto the enduring form of a record. What developed exceeded all expectations. On Johanna’s side, the Swedish producer plays with tempo and panning, constructing vast soundscapes on the backdrop of a dubbed-out alternating bass drum with refrains from her Nord synth rippling throughout. On the flip we find Karen exploring melancholic ambient IDM, layering sparkling notes over lush melodies interlaced with rapid percussions, forming utterly exquisite works of art.



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