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First Movement EP

  • Charles Noel/Archetype to przedziwna postać, przypominająca o wyjątkowości klubowej sceny amerykańskiego Midwestu lat 90. Połamane bity, ale i abstrakcyjny house'owy vibe... warto sprawdzić!

First Movement EP
Produkt niedostępny
Wysyłka w dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
51.90 / 1szt.
Out Of Stock
  • a1 Untitled.mp3
  • a2 Untitled.mp3
  • b1 Untitled.mp3
  • b2 Untitled.mp3


The Bright Sounds label could easily be making its way to the top of the techno foodchain thanks to a recent flurry of release from peeps like Tilliander and Burnt Friedman, two understated producers who remain massively respected from the underground circles. To retain this momentum, the imprint have called upon (CN)2, otherwise known as Arch Tight, 9th Circle, Glyph Monochome and Charles Noel, among many others, and the decision couldn't be more apt given the direction they're going towards. This is the first of two EPs launching the moniker, with First Movement finally offering some quality techno sounds with purpose and meaning. Tracks 1 to 4 are all equally as immersive, taking a few lessons from the Chain Reaction dynasty, but the entirety of the vibe belongs solely to (CN)2, who constructs deep yet penetrative walls of sound for all audiophile purposes. This is the real deal - don't miss it.



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