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Gradeatia / Natural (1973-83)

  • Soc-elektronika w Rumunii nie ma tak długiej historii jak SEPR, ale w latach 70. działy się tam ciekawsze rzeczy niż u nas. Oto wyjątkowy psycho-ambient najważniejszej postaci tamtejszej szkoły

Gradeatia / Natural (1973-83)
Label: Sub Rosa
Nr kat.: SR467
Format: LP
Produkt niedostępny
Wysyłka w dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
99.90 / 1szt.
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  • 01 Gradeatia (1982).mp3
  • 02 Natural (1973-83).mp3


Soc-elektronika w Rumunii nie ma tak długiej historii jak SEPR, ale w latach 70. działy się tam ciekawsze rzeczy niż u nas. Oto wyjątkowy psycho-ambient najważniejszej postaci tamtejszej szkoły.


Originally issued in 1984 by Electrecord, the only record label in communist-era Romania. Sub Rosa brings these two fantastic avant-garde electronic compositions back on vinyl in their Early Electronic Series!

Octavian Nemescu was born in Pascani (Romania) in 1940. He studied composition with Mihail Jora at University of Music in Bucharest. As he was still a student, he imposed himself as part of avant-garde movement in Romanian compositional music. After 1965 he achieves works of the "open creation" type, of conceptual and environmental music. He involves himself after 1967 into the Romanian spectral trend. Starting with the work Concentric (1969), his creation has got archetypal vocation by cultivating an aesthetic of the essentializing.

Octavian Nemescu cultivated the archetypal goals on all parameters and musical forms. He is the author of implosive music and of imaginary music. He composed multi-, post-, non- and pre-symphonies. Lately he is interested by music with initiation character, developed in a non-spectacular, ritualic atmosphere, as a chance to revigorate the old mysteries and as a modality of awakening from the biological, mental and spiritual sleep.

Gradeatia was composed in 1982. This piece was commissioned by the Electroacoustic Music Studio in Gent (Belgium) where it was elaborated. It was conceived as ambient music for Voronet Monastery (Moldavia), as an electronic-audio fresco paralleling the existing one, of mural-visual consistency. It happened in a historic moment when the communist regime in Romania demolished many churches. And this piece was conceived as a protest to these actions.

Natural was composed in 1973 but finalzied in 1983. This music has a spectral aesthetic orientation and at the same time, processual and archetypal orientations.



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