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E.B.S. 1 (one-sided)

  • Kosmiczna house'owa rakieta od szefa Prescription i chicagowskiej legendy. Numer może spirytualny, ale zdecydowanie psychodeliczny, nieomal w duchu Joeya Andersona czy DJa Qu

E.B.S. 1 (one-sided)
Nr kat.: EB010
Format: 12"
Produkt niedostępny
Wysyłka w dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
54.90 / 1szt.
Out Of Stock
  • a1 E.B.S. 1.mp3


Kosmiczna house'owa rakieta od szefa Prescription i chicagowskiej legendy. Numer może spirytualny, ale zdecydowanie psychodeliczny, nieomal w duchu Joeya Andersona czy DJa Qu.


RT Factor is one of Ron Trent's less familiar aliases, but rest assured anything graced with the Chicago great's name is a buy on sight situation. So it goes on this latest release for his Electric Blue label, which is a single-sided 15-minute epic that will have fans grinning with satisfaction and newcomers wondering what they've been missing all this time. The extended run time gives Trent free reign to let his musical motifs unfurl in a relaxed manner - this is one of the all time greats of soulful deep house after all - but there's also power and presence in the electronic elements of the sound on "EBS 1". All the better to carry the airy keys and pattering hand drums - these trademark ingredients never sound better than in Trent's hands.



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