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  • Dronowo-postindustrialny projekt Stephena Throwera z Coila i Cyclobe. Długie numery w niebiańskiej, choć dark ambientowej atmosferze. Warto też zwrócić uwagę na intensywne, beatowe A2

Label: Touch
Nr kat.: TO:113
Format: LP
Produkt niedostępny
Wysyłka w dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
99.90 / 1szt.
Out Of Stock
  • 01 For The Dark Planets.mp3
  • 02 Into Burning Labyrinths (Fuse-Fire-Seed).mp3
  • 03 Stems Of The Shadowmind.mp3
  • 04 A Gulp Of Moss, A Breath Of Stone.mp3


Dronowo-postindustrialny projekt Stephena Throwera z Coila i Cyclobe. Długie numery w niebiańskiej, choć dark ambientowej atmosferze. Warto też zwrócić uwagę na intensywne, beatowe A2.


Has there ever been a better time to fuck off to the stars? Is a prison breakout ‘escapism’? Crisis carve some wound-space to let the dreams back in. In nights we turn to fire, in flight we burst into stone, where are the exits in this theatre of the damned? Strict luggage allocations – guitar (D. Knight), saxophone (S. Thrower) – and all the electronics your thoughts can carry. Headspin echoes, round and around, tilt wind-sails at a dark horizon, cut a stutter through the distance barrier. In to be out through the structure of the eye, encrusted with rotor-slime, pushing on through border erosions as everything melts into smoke, burning objects may be closer than they appear. Nebulae dazzle the shadows, tunnel through memories and the pulp-mass of neurons, forwards heading backwards, end of tether snapped, slide into the earth like ancient worms and breathe.

UnicaZürn’s core instrumentation blends analogue synthesiser, mellotron and electric piano with electric guitar and saxophone. Knight is reknowned for his pioneering multi-textured fretwork with Danielle Dax and Shock-Headed Peters, and his ambient guitar settings for Lydia Lunch, while Thrower’s reed playing provided rage and melancholy in Coil and turns to electro-acoustic texture in Cyclobe.



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