Informacje o produkcie

Hearts Utd.

Hearts Utd.
Label: Suction
Nr kat.: SUCTION052
Format: LP
Produkt na zamówienie
Wysyłka w 16 dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
64.90 / 1szt.
In stock
  • 01 Hearts Utd (Brainwaltzera remix).mp3
  • 02 Core Stage 101.mp3
  • 03 Switched Phases.mp3
  • 04 8-a02.mp3
  • 05 Aria #3.mp3
  • 06 RIP-AXL.mp3


As if his second album Serenity wasn't quite enough IDM goodness from RX 101 this year, along comes a special extra. Five more originals plus a powerfully chilling remix from Brainwaltzera. Like the original EPs that first surfaced a few years back (all recorded to cassette in the late 90s), the sound, style and delivery screams classic analogue kit and a lot of live jamming. Highlights include the acidic breaks of 'Aria #3', the subaquatic bubbles and faraway breaks of 'Switched Phases' and the decayed brass head-twisted 'RIP-AXL'. Get to the heart of the matter.



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