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Tokyo Modernology

Tokyo Modernology
Produkt niedostępny
Wysyłka w dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
79.90 / 1szt.
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  • a1 In Exotic Haze (Vintage Drum club mix).mp3
  • a2 Fading Away (Mamazu remix).mp3
  • b1 Tokyo (Chida remix).mp3
  • b2 Tokyo (Chida remix Rough cuts).mp3
  • b3 Deep Down The Line TYOS.mp3


This is the “Tokyo-themed” 2nd EP in a series of remixes/reworks from Chari Chari’s new album “We hear the last decades dreaming” which was the first album in 18 years under the name of Chari Chari, a project by Kaoru Inoue who has been working as a DJ and producer for over 25 years.

Mamazu, who has been leading the unique Slow Techno / Psychedelic / Tribal genre in the domestic scene after a long career, is reworking “Fading Away” to the 100bpm Trance. Chida, a true pioneer of the overseas underground scene, made “Tokyo 4:51” into 2 versions with real grooves. “In Exotic Haze”, one of the most popular track from the album, is reworked by Kaoru Inoue himself.



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