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The Loud Silence promo

The Loud Silence promo
Label: Further
Nr kat.: FUR058LP
Format: LP
Produkt niedostępny
Wysyłka w dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
99.00 / 1szt.
Out Of Stock
  • 01 Personal Rock.mp3
  • 02 Cross Panorama.mp3
  • 03 The Loud Silence.mp3
  • 04 The Net.mp3
  • 05 For Arnaud.mp3
  • 06 Downhill To The Sea.mp3
  • 07 Concert For Sails.mp3
  • 08 Exit The Acropolis.mp3


In April of this year (2015), Donato Dozzy took a set of mouth harps back to his parent’s house in the Italian countryside and set about exploring the possibilities of that most basic of instruments. The mouth harp had been calling to Dozzy ever since childhood, when he had discovered the “marranzano” on a holiday in Sicily with this parents at the tail end of the 1970s. Almost four decades later, Dozzy had begun to see in this peculiar, ancient sound, the roots of the music he’d been making and playing in clubs all these years. It was time to find out how far he could trace it all back. The Loud Silence is the result of those explorations, an accompanied deep-dive into childhood memory, social history and the roots of psychedelia. Recorded indoors and outdoors, half-way up mountains and on the edge of the Mediterranean sea, the record is meditative but also powerful. Dozzy has distilled his ideas into an incredibly intimate sound, one that invites an inverted sort of exploration, pushing you further and further into your own head. Each track maintains an inviolable central pulse, while delicate, fluttering sounds hint at vast spaces that might open up at any minute - they’re just waiting for you to connect with them. Field recordings hover below…




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