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Unknown Depths (White Vinyl)

Unknown Depths (White Vinyl)
Nr kat.: PRRUKDUB009
Format: 12"
Produkt na zamówienie
Wysyłka w 16 dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
69.90 / 1szt.
In stock
  • a1 Voice From The Outerworld.mp3
  • a2 Unknown Depths.mp3
  • b1 Clouds.mp3
  • b2 Deep Space.mp3



Minimal three-lettered maestros SND & RTN return for yet more dub techno trickery. 'Unknown Depths' scours an abyssally wet pit of sound over the course of four tunes, rivalling images of perhaps some underwater Tartarus-Marianas lovechild. As ever, the analog-centrism rings true with this prolific duo; true Von Oswald-style tape delay/feedback noise, sidechained to high heaven, is heard on the title track, lending an inimitable stamp of unpolished legitness to an otherwise often-clean sound. The stabs and hats of 'Clouds' and 'Deep Space', meanwhile, are clean and adept, not overthought but certainly just well-placed to arouse the best of emotions is us.




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