Informacje o produkcie
KiTA /


Label: Knekelhuis
Nr kat.: KH045
Format: LP
Produkt na zamówienie
Wysyłka w 23 dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
79.90 / 1szt.
In stock
  • 01 Ceramic.mp3
  • 02 Hazel.mp3
  • 03 Palace.mp3



The Naarm/Melbourne based producer will unveil meticulously crafted tracks that breathe life, deliver crispness, evoke emotions, and pulsate with energy.

KiTA's music defies easy categorization, blending ambient, dub, and breakbeat with real instruments and orchestral elements. The album "Ceramic" takes us on a mesmerizing journey with its title track, a twelve-minute composition that intertwines groove-laden ambience, deep bass throbs, swirling guitars, enchanting strings, and atmospheric vocals.
The B side of the record embraces a club-oriented soundscape with infectious breaks and captivating hooks, offering a refreshing contrast to the prevailing musical landscape. The final track concludes the album with dub-influenced percussion, creating a captivating dance that evokes both melancholy and beauty, leaving room for personal interpretation and discovery.
Mastered by Wouter Brandenburg and artwork by Kae Kitzler and Steele Bonus.




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