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Let's Dance Vol. 1

Let's Dance Vol. 1
Label: Funkyjaws
Nr kat.: FJMEDITS01
Format: 12"
Produkt niedostępny
Wysyłka w dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
81.90 / 1szt.
Out Of Stock
  • a1 Lay-Far - Never Ever Edit.mp3
  • a2 Admin - Moon Trippin'.mp3
  • b1 Rahaan - Gonna Get Ya.mp3
  • b2 Delfonic - Let's Dance The Spank.mp3


Funkyjaws Music launches a new edits series here with four absolute dons of the form on one vital 12". It's Lay Far that kicks off with 'Never Ever Edit' which is all horn-led excitement and upbeat disco claps and kicks before Admin's 'Moon Trippin' takes a more slow and soulful approach. When it comes to edits few are more essential than Chicago's Rahaan who kicks off the B-side with 'Gonna Get Ya', a leggy funk number infused with cosmic synth rays and warm piano chords. Delfonic shuts down with the loose percussive jumbles and jazzy vibes of 'Let's Dance The Spank'. A fine start to the series with volume two already in the works.




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