Toby Tobias joins Delusions again for what will be his sixth(!) 12' entitled The Rain. The prolific Londoner whose releases have graced such venerable labels as Rekids, ESP Intistute and Let's Play House, is back with a vengeance, delivering two mighty fine originals plus a remix from Nebraska. In true Toby Tobias style, The Rain got made on an MPC, sliced and edited from a single live take through the desk then accidentally deleted so no further mixing, sequencing or editing could be carried out. But what is an A&R man's nightmare, turns out to be the record buying DJ's gain, as the improvised, dubby vibe and raw as ***k mixdown give the track an authentic feel and energy which could only come from the madness in Toby's method. Fresh from his brilliant releases on Mister Saturday Night and Razor n Tape, we have our man Nebraska do his thing on the remix of The Rain. Dropping down the BPM's a bit from Toby's more frenetic original, Nebraska add's a healthy dose of moogy lead lines to the lo-slung house groove, perfect for warming up the dancefloor. Closing this release we have New Way Of Feeling which sees Toby in playful mode with a percussion heavy, driving basement jam. FM pads form the centerpiece of the track whilst flourishes of Juno come and go, hints of early 90's IDM shining through on the glistening sine-wave melodies. All in all a glorious melting pot of ideas and influences all over this release which make for one of his strongest yet for Delusions ...