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Think Like A Lover (Mudd's Extended Remixes)

Think Like A Lover (Mudd's Extended Remixes)
Format: 12"
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Wysyłka w dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
61.90 / 1szt.
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  • a1 Think Like A Lover (Mudd extended mix).mp3
  • b1 Think Like A Lover (Mudd extended instrumental).mp3


Ned Doheny's particular strain of blue-eyed soul seems perfectly suited to the idea of the remix. So much so that Be With Records has teamed him up with producer Mudd for what feels like a match made in heaven. The latter has taken Doheny's classic "Think Like A Lover" and translated it into Balearic format - a gentle, cautious strain of disco that does nothing in the way of outshining the original. In fact, we believe it to be the perfect companion and a sort of collaborative revisioning. Both the vocal remix, and the more explorative instrumental cut. Lovely stuff!


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