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In My Life

In My Life
Label: 2000 Black
Nr kat.: 2044BLACK
Format: 12"
Produkt niedostępny
Wysyłka w dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
54.90 / 1szt.
Out Of Stock
  • a1 Freddie Can't Run Away.mp3
  • a2 But You Bring It Up.mp3
  • b1 Is Crimbo Really Here.mp3
  • b2 In My Life.mp3


It's already been a great year for Kaidi Tatham, whose summer album "It's A World Before You" on First Word remains one of our favourite full-length sets of 2018. He's in great form once again on this follow-up EP for the 2000 Black imprint he co-helms with pal Dego. All four tracks bristle with his signature jazz-funk focused synthesizer solos and Herbie Hancock style flourishes, as well as plenty of sweaty, floor-friendly broken beats. Killer dancefloor thrills come in the shape of opener "Freddie Can't Run Away" (it's very reminiscent of his 2000s work as Agent K) and "Is Crimbo Really Here", while "But You Bring It Up" and standout "In My Life" both explore slower, deeper and more musically intricate pastures.



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