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Chosen Songs

Chosen Songs
Label: Stroom
Nr kat.: STRLP-019
Format: LP
Produkt niedostępny
Wysyłka w dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
119.90 / 1szt.
Out Of Stock
  • 01 Les Lieux.mp3
  • 02 The Third Body.mp3
  • 03 We Could Bring You Silk In May #2.mp3
  • 04 Between The Mist And The Sky.mp3
  • 05 Our Lady Of Sins (Vesica Piscis remix).mp3
  • 06 Untitled For Now #3.mp3
  • 07 Bloodsucker.mp3
  • 08 This Is Almost A Happy Ending.mp3


Belgian reissue imprint Stroom are back with more retro obscurities, this time in the form of 48 Cameras: the brainchild and life project of self-proclaimed non-musician Jean-Marie Mathoul. After hearing an album of William S. Burroughs reciting poetry, Mathoul decided to put poems and spoken word to music. He was a poet in his own right, having already published a book of poems. At a literary event in Liege, he met UK-based writer Paul Buck (author of the novel The Honeymoon Killers) and the two of them decided to collaborate - and thus formed 48C. Mathoul was said to have built the album in his mind, long before starting the recording process, which involved something of a 'non-band'. The musicians and collaborators never actually recorded together, and to this day some haven't even met each other. Jean-Marie Mathoul sadly passed away earlier this year at the age of 66.



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