Informacje o produkcie

Man Walks The Earth

Man Walks The Earth
Nr kat.: CM007
Format: LP
Produkt na zamówienie
Wysyłka w 16 dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
89.90 / 1szt.
In stock
  • 01 Fear Upon Seeing His Reflection In The Lake.mp3
  • 02 The Search For Others.mp3
  • 03 30 Million Years To Recover.mp3
  • 04 Earth Rotates On Its Axis.mp3
  • 05 A Long Walk At Night.mp3
  • 06 Stone Tools.mp3
  • 07 Uninvited Brute.mp3
  • 08 The Sun Beats Stronger As Each Day Passes.mp3


While much of L.I.E.S founder Ron Morelli's production work has tended towards the dark and dystopian, there's something surprisingly becalmed and gentle about his latest full-length excursion, fifth solo album "Man Walks The Earth". Of course, there are still some slightly bleak, detached soundscapes dotted throughout the album (see "30 Million Years To Recover", the Radiophonic Workshop influenced "A Long Walk at Night" and the icy, off-key tipsiness of "Uninvited Brute"), for the most part Morelli deals in slowly shifting motifs, sustained ambient melodies and reverb-drenched electronics. The result is an album that's as mind-altering and otherworldly as it is accessible and entertaining.


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