Informacje o produkcie

Fortunate Isolation

  • 2. album rumuńskiej producentki znanej z Pinkman, Cómeme i Cititrax. Nowofalowe piosenki, synthowe pejzaże, electro, namysł nad światem i niewesołe konkluzje!

Fortunate Isolation
Nr kat.: DE266
Format: LP
Produkt na zamówienie
Wysyłka w 16 dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
99.90 / 1szt.
In stock
  • 01 Welcome Them.mp3
  • 02 Time (No Time).mp3
  • 03 When I Read The News Today.mp3
  • 04 Mirror Hall (This Relief).mp3
  • 05 They Pass By.mp3
  • 06 The Death Of A Desire (A Ghost).mp3
  • 07 Lament (Fortunate Isolation).mp3
  • 08 To The Self.mp3
  • 09 Follow.mp3


We are proud to release 'Fortunate Isolation' the sophomore album from Borusiade. Born and raised in Bucharest, Romania, Borusiade aka Miruna Boruzescu started DJ-ing in 2002 as one of the very few female DJs in the city's emerging alternative clubbing scene. Influenced by a classical musical education, a bachelor in film direction and fascinated by raw electronic sounds, Borusiade first combined these universes in the construction of her DJ sets and starting 2005 also in her music production. A sound of her own has slowly crystallized, often dark with poignant bass lines, obsessive themes and by all means melodic. She has released EPs on labels like Pinkman, Unterton, Cititrax, Correspondant and Comeme, who released her debut album 'A Body' in 2018. 'Fortunate Isolation' is perhaps Borusiade's most personal release to date.



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