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Lepidoptera Remixes

Lepidoptera Remixes
Nr kat.: DE244
Format: 12"
Produkt niedostępny
Wysyłka w dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
74.90 / 1szt.
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  • a1 Cyaniris (Anatolian Weapons 6 AM Eternal).mp3
  • a2 Araschnia Levana (Pasiphae remix).mp3
  • b1 Cyaniris (June remix).mp3
  • b2 Aporia Maturna (Morah remix).mp3


Last year, Dark Entries reissued Lena Platonos' 1986 album "Lepidoptera", a beautiful, minimalistic set forged out of picturesque piano motifs and the composer's own surrealist Greek poetry. Now the lauded San Francisco label presents a quartet of new reworks of tracks from that album. There's a more dancefloor-centric feel throughout, with the standout revisions - in our eyes at least - coming from Anatolian Weapons, whose take on "Cyaniris" is a throbbing, dark synth-pop treat, and Pasiphae. Her version of "Araschnia Levana" brilliantly re-casts the track as a heavy, all-action dark electro workout tailor made for dark basements in The Hague.



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