Informacje o produkcie

Dream Maker

  • Świetne ambient trance'owe, pulsujące impresje. 4 długie numery, każdy na całą stronę. Baśniowe, ale i psychodeliczne. Piękne harmonie, chilloutowa atmosfera, no i super okładka (ten księżyc ma zadek)

Dream Maker
Nr kat.: VF269
Format: 2LP
Produkt niedostępny
Wysyłka w dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
109.90 / 1szt.
Out Of Stock
  • 01 In Dreams.mp3
  • 02 The Secret Garden.mp3
  • 03 Neon.mp3
  • 04 Gas, Solid, Liquid.mp3


The music of Swedish producer Hans Berg often soundtracks sculptural installations produced in collaboration with his partner Nathalie Djurberg. Working as an artistic duo since 2004, their output comprises animation, public sculpture, immersive environments and now, vinyl recordings taken from these same pieces. Berg brings his experience in house and techno music culture to bear on this cooperative process. The first track began life as an accompaniment to the outdoor work In Dreams (2016), installed at the Wanås Sculpture Park in Sweden. A naturalistic soundscape of birdsong gives way to a wave of complex, driving synth-pop, itself a shimmering reflection of the riotous, mirrored floor that nestled in the forest glade.



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