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Spirit Conjurer SA​-​20

  • Zakochaj się w Pablo Frizzi i w jego rozpływających melodiach dla wschodu słońca.

Spirit Conjurer SA​-​20
Format: MC+MP3
Kraj: PL
Produkt niedostępny
Wysyłka w dni
Koszt od 9,90 zł
24.90 / 1szt.
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This album is a homage to all the obscure, long forgotten, dust covered new age music tapes hidden in your parents house attics and drawers. It was born out of a joy of multitracking, evoking an out-of-this-world atmosphere, wandering to far away places by noodling on a keyboard soaked in delays, playing Terranigma on 14" CRT TV, reading "Cosmic Trigger" and gazing at the moonlit sky in search of the extra-terrestial visitors. All sounds come from the Casio SA-20 toy keyboard (hence the album title) which itself was the main inspiration for these tracks.

Tools used on this album:

⚒ Casio SA-20 for a realtime trans-galactic Spectra channeling. ⚒ Korg SQ-1 for re-sequencing the angelic DNA particles. ⚒ Akai S1000 as a session medium and the first-man's language translator.

Composed and enchanted by Paweł Galecki in early 2019

released November 14, 2019
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