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  • Electro na nowym labelu z Melbourne. W A2 amen brejk, potem w B1 acid-trance'owe sytuacje, a na koniec ożywiająca, otwierająca parkiet melancholijna nutka

Nr kat.: PHZ003
Format: 12"
Produkt niedostępny
Wysyłka w dni
Koszt od 16,99 zł
61.90 / 1szt.
Out Of Stock
  • a1 Fibre Optixxx - Hive Activity.mp3
  • a2 Fibre Optixxx - Hibiscus.mp3
  • b1 DJ Life - Lightning Ridge.mp3
  • b2 DJ Life - Butterfly.mp3


Electro na nowym labelu z Melbourne. W A2 amen brejk, potem w B1 acid-trance'owe sytuacje, a na koniec ożywiająca, otwierająca parkiet melancholijna nutka.


The continent spanning Ozzy / Berlin label Potatoheadz are showing a certain flair with their curation that is rare to see. Launching 2020 with a split EP that continues the labels thematic approach with all tracks based around the concept of biophilia. Whilst packing the kind of dance floor punch that only the heart of nature can supply.

On the A side Fibre Optixxx kicks off our (re)connection with esoteric environs with a patient dose of intelligent electronics in “Hive Activity”. A mid tempo Drum and Bass piece that is versatile, raw, and straight to the point.

Next up, “Hibiscus” presents a more dubbed, subtle sound that is just as addictively danceable. In essence a post-modern reconstruction of Kotton the Cutie - think Baltimore club muzik but in planetary orbit.

The B side comes from Melbourne resident DJ Life. His first “Lightning Ridge” is delivered with bags of attitude and is truly club certified as it twists into almost progressive territory, with it's quasi hypnotic nu-era electronics. Finishing off the EP “Butterfly” is classy, patient and beautiful with flashes of early Detroit.

Another killer from Potatoheadz, a label carving it's name into the global scene. Musically deep and utterly fresh. A statement of intent for what's to come from them in 2020.



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