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A Pair Of Remixes

A Pair Of Remixes
Nr kat.: ACJ161
Format: 12"
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Koszt od 16,99 zł
99.90 / 1szt.
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  • a1 Moloko - Sing It Back (Herbert Tasteful dub).mp3
  • b1 Louie Austen - Hoping (Herbert High dub).mp3


In the prelude to his upcoming album 'Musca', two classic remixes appear by 'domestic house' legend Matthew Herbert. This time, they're given a never-before pairing on his own singles sublabel, Accidental Junior. In an intuitive move, the A-side houses none other than a new remaster of Herbert's classic remix of Moloko's 'Sing It Back', a song which has enjoyed an unlikely resurgence in popularity on the international hard dance circuit in recent years. On the B, one can find a lesser-known diggers' delight: Herbert's headsy 'High Dub' rerub of weirdo jazz crooner Louis Austen's 'Hoping'. As they always have been, both remixes are playful, hi-fi audiophile's auspices, dealing divinely in Herbert's trademark clockwork sound.



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